Are you like me into crime psychological thrillers? Or are you one of the big fans of the movie “Gone Girl” based on Gillian Flynn’s 2012 bestselling novel with the same title? Either way, you don’t want to miss HBO’s limited series “Sharp Objects” starring Amy Adams, airing July 8.
I’ve been a loyal fan of Gillian Flynn and purchased all her novels so far. I’d highly recommend everyone to watch this ought-to-be fascinating miniseries; the novel “Sharp Objects” is brilliantly full of unexpected twisted plots, fresh yet mysterious story materials and quick cuts all narrated in a realistic way and also from a sadden, shadowed monologue by a reporter Camille Preaker who faces a troubling assignment: she must return to her tiny hometown to cover the murders of two preteen girls. You’ll be amazed “Sharp Objects” is Flynn’s debut novel. Plus, this limited series is entirely directed by Jean-Marc Vallée who has already enjoyed popular success with another HBO’s hit drama series “Big Little Lies”.Check out the trailer through the following link:
你深深著迷於犯罪心理驚悚片嗎?或者你也是2014年心理驚悚賣座票房「控制」 (Gone Girl) 的鐵粉之一? 不管符合其一或兩者條件,都別錯過即將在7月8日由奧斯卡影后艾美亞當絲 (Amy Adams) 擔綱主演、於HBO強勢上檔的迷你影集「尖銳物體」(Sharp Objects)。
編寫自「控制」 同名小說作者、同時也是紐約時報暢銷作家之一,Gillian Flynn的小說處女作「尖銳物體」 (Sharp Objects)。可預期地,此系列影片情節勢必張力十足,從第一幕開始就引人入勝。身為Gillian Flynn驚悚小說系列鐵粉的我,「尖銳物體」是我個人以為她目前出版過最精采的作品,也樹立下她獨特標誌性的寫作風格: 意想不到的劇情急轉直下,新鮮神秘的故事人物素材,以及快速的節奏進展,都由女主角Camille晦暗陰鬱的口白之中,寫實尖銳鋪陳開來一段謎樣般恐怖的返鄉之旅。細細咀嚼箇中驚悚脈絡,也許你也會像我一樣,在驚嚇之餘獲得另種奇妙詭譎的心情療效。加碼再推薦關於此一影集的又一賣點;此劇由HBO暢銷大熱門影集「美麗心計」(Big Little Lies) 導演Jean-Marc Vallée全程執導,他擅長以強烈視覺化語言生動演繹各角色內心的百轉千折膠著。
** Photo Courtesy of HBO, TV Series, and Gillian Flynn