#TBT 懷舊星期四精選: Versace 90年代超模同學會
一年多後,再重讀此文,有感動也帶些輕度微感傷;還是很享受那種「前後輩新舊齊聚一堂,美麗傳承、和諧交融的場合」在伸展台上跨時空施展情感溢於言表的張力。法國哲學家Albert Camus說,反叛的行為通常傳遞著對純真的懷想,以及對生存本質的籲求。(Every act of rebellion expresses a nostalgia for innocence and an appeal to the essence of being.) 關於人類文明的演進或設計,由於豐富多元觀點的各自表述,數十年如一日地新與舊層次累積,才堆砌起更臻厚實圓滿的精華智慧結晶。
弔念Gianni Versace舉世震驚的謀殺案滿20周年,現由他妹妹Donatella
Versace時尚領軍的Versace,在今年秋天米蘭的2018年春夏大秀上,特地請回了90年代多番為Versace 走秀的超級名模們(她們也是今日所謂超級名模,超模的始祖),包括: 前法國總統的名模妻子Carla Bruni、封號真人芭比美模Claudia Schiffer)、黑人超模鼻祖 Naomi Campbell、影視歌三棲的才藝名模Cindy Crawford 及被已故設計師Gianni
Crawford么女Kaia Gerber、Gigi Hadid等表現也不遑多讓,青春個性魅力無敵。我以為,她們兩人也正巧穿出了秀上最令人驚豔的兩個造型,舉手投足之間的大勢氣場,將Versace專擅的經典巴洛克璀璨與高貴華美盡顯無疑。而這五個上一代超模則不論就性格鮮明或者氣質容顏來說,無不隨時間淬鍊更顯風醇優雅,加倍自信出眾。
Donatella Versace created a dreamy, epic
supermodel reunion on her SS18’ runway by inviting 5 supermodels of the 1990s,
also the original supermodel, including Carla Bruni, Claudia Schiffer), Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford and
Helena Christensen to magnificently close out the show. This Made my day
by seeing those fashion icons in my younger days. I’m also glad to see their
impeccable beauty and poise have been even more refined over time. Don’t get me
wrong, I also like and always embrace “new blood” in the fashion industry. Major
models of the moment, such as Kaia Gerber and Gigi Hadid are no doubt the
superstars and they continue to shine their best as well. Personally, I think they
also happened to interpret the 2 best looks of Versace SS18 collection which
manifested the signatures of the fashion house’s core concept: it’s magnificent
and glamorous with all those spectacular details of luxe, having been greatly influenced
by baroque aesthetics. In memory of the tragic death of fashion designer and the
founder of Versace, Gianni Versace, Donatella also brought back some of the
iconic designs for the upcoming season but injected them with more freedom and
character crucial to the new generation.
The reunion marks the nostalgic yet
sensational runway of Versace SS18 and it once again proves that what goes around does come back around when it comes to fashion styles. I adore the occasion like this where
those fashion veterans could share, interact and join forces with the newbies to
together orchestrate a more fascinating, smoother theme song for the future of the fashion industry.
**Photo courtesy of VOGUE, Dailymail, Financial Times, and ELLE UK